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Manufacturing Investment Programme

The $60 million Next Generation Manufacturing Investment Programme provides grants to encourage manufacturing investment in South Australia and Victoria.
The grants support capital investment projects in areas of manufacturing with demonstrated growth potential. Projects must take place at a manufacturing site in either South Australia or Victoria.

The grants available under the programme:

range from $500,000 to $5 million
are capped at up to 50% of eligible project costs
support projects for up to a 3 year period.

Your application must score highly against each of the following merit criteria to be recommended for funding.
The level of net economic benefit to be generated by your project.
The extent to which your project represents a new or expanded activity for your business, including whether your project can be demonstrated as an area of high value and opportunity or growth.
The value for money offered by your project.
The demonstrated capacity and capability of your business to access and capture market opportunities.
The expected productivity improvements and sustainability for your business generated by your project.