The ICURe programme, established in 2014, funds research teams to speed up the process of developing a product, service or process. It’s available for teams of academic researchers, to help them explore the commercial potential of research originating in universities. The aim is to tackle challenges involved in commercialisation, and improve:
- commercial awareness,
- entrepreneurial skills,
- networking between academic and industrial communities,
- cultural conventions, and
- reward systems.
Teams must be made up of; a post doc junior researcher (Early Career Researcher), a senior researcher (Principal Investigator), a technology transfer officer (TTO) and a business adviser. The program will fund up to £35,000 for the ‘Market Validation’ stage, where a team takes part in a three month research project, to prove market demand. Then, if approved, ICURe will fund up to £15,000 for the business development.
Eligibility & Expectations
There are no restrictions on UK universities, disciplines or HE institutions, as long as the team consists of the team members mentioned above.
The entire team must:
- take part in the pre-bootcamp teleconference and three-day bootcamp, and
- deliver their final presentation to the Options Roundabout Panel at the end of the ‘Market Validation’ stage.
The post doc junior researcher (Early Career Researcher) must also:
- be able to commit full-time for approximately three months,
- be employed full-time by the university,
- have valid visas for major countries (travel is required, and will most often be paid for by the grant),
- take part in bi-weekly teleconferences and training days, and
- provide monthly reports and records.