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Innovate UK Smart Grants


These grants are for products, services or processes that have the potential to change the world. The focus is on disrupting the current market with innovative projects, which either:

  • develop a brand new product, service or process; or,
  • take an existing technology or service above and beyond what’s currently available in the field.

These projects can come from businesses in any sector, from anywhere around the UK. Also, funding is available at various stages – from research to design and prototyping.

Businesses may wish to submit a project that aligns with the government’s modern Industrial Strategy, although this is not a requirement. More importantly, this new or improved product, service or process must be innovative and desired, therefore saleable and presumably profitable.


To apply, businesses:

  • can be any size,
  • can work alone or with other businesses, the research base or third sector (this will depend on the amount of grant and the duration of the project, and will be outlined in the specific competition brief), and
  • need to be registered in the UK and conduct their project here. Research and technology organisations can also lead a project.