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Export Market Development Grants

The Export Market Development Grant ( EMDG) is a Government program that provides organisations with substantial cash rebates for overseas marketing expenditure. The scheme is designed as an incentive to encourage Australian exporters to develop overseas markets for their goods and/or services (including tourism and education).

The scheme provides reimbursement of approximately 50% of the eligible expenditure incurred to a maximum of $150,000 per annum. Applicants must be Australian resident entities with a total annual turnover of less than A$50 million and must have spent at least $20,000 in overseas marketing.

Unlike other Government grants EMDG is a non-competitive program which means if you are eligible and make an application you will receive a grant.

How can We Help?

We have been focused on assisting with EMDG grants for over 25 years. Our job is to use our in-depth knowledge of the EMDG legislation to make sure your claim is maximised.

In addition we will:

  • be available for on-site meetings to discuss your claim
  • provide immediate answers to your EMDG queries by phone or email
  • attend EMDG audits as required
  • provide an EMDG KitSM to help capture supporting documentation efficiently
  • electronic lodgement of claims
  • work on a success fee only basis

What expenses can I claim?

Eligible expenditure includes:

    • Overseas Representatives

The costs attributable to maintaining an overseas representative on an ongoing basis to market your business overseas. Eligible costs include salaries/fees, office expenses, travel and accommodation.

    • Marketing Consultants

Expenditure incurred in engaging independent consultants who provide service relating to market development and market research. Consultants may be located either in Australia or overseas, but must be unrelated to the applicant.

    • Overseas Marketing Visits (Travel)

The cost of airfares and ground travel plus a daily allowance of A$300 to assist with accommodation and meals.

    • Communication

The communication costs including IDD telephone, facsimile and email all of which are necessary to access export markets.

    • Product Promotion (Free Samples)

The actual cost of providing free product samples to potential overseas buyers including the cost of providing FOC’s in the tourism industry.

    • Trade Fairs

The external costs associated with participation in overseas trade fairs, conferences, in-store promotions, international forums, private exhibitions or similar promotional events.

    • Promotional Literature & Advertising Material

The external costs associated with brochures, promotional videos, CD ROM’s, advertising and other promotional material are eligible. Reasonable external costs associated with the development of promotional websites and a percentage of website hosting costs are also claimable.

    • Patents and Trade Marks

The cost of registering patents and trade marks outside of Australia and NZ is eligible including patent attorney expenses.

    • Overseas Buyers Visiting Australia

Airfares, transport, accommodation and meal costs associated with bringing overseas buyers, or potential buyers, to Australia to evaluate goods, services or intellectual property are eligible.

How much money will we get back?

You will get back 50% of eligible expenditure in excess of $10,000. For example if your eligible expenditure was $70,000 then your rebate would be $30,000 calculated as follows:

Rebate = ($70,000 – $10,000) x 50% = $30,000

To learn more, Click here to contact your local AusGrant representative.